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Joyce Maley

1. movies
2. my moms caramel popcorn
3. late night snacks at home
4. buttery flavor
5. oh the smell. yum

Deveaux Louise

2.magic of Jiffy-Pop
3.my Nana
5.my kids and their friends wanting me to make the "old fashioned" kind of popcorn and not the microwave stuff :)

Jody Hardaker

1. movies
2. butter
3. making it over a wood fire when we were kids.
4. smell that lingers throughout.
5. popcorn flavored jelly belly jellybeans.

Andrea Fisher

What are the First Five things that come to mind when you see this: Popcorn!

1. Sunday night meal.
2. Ali and Meredith's version with Parmesan cheese!
3. Movie night.
4. Butter and salt.
5. Cracker Jack...the dessert version.


1. Buttery and salty!
2. Eating at the movies!
3. Movie night at home-DVD's!
4. Shaking a special popcorn wired thing back in the 50's over
the stove burner.
5. Burnt kernels if you leave the bag in the microwave too

Sheila Bacon

1. Movies
2. Kettlecorn
3. Jiffy pop (childhood memories)
4. Halloween and caramel popcorn balls
5. Always room for popcorn of any flavor

Julie Miller-Oconnor

1. The only reason to go to the movies is popcorn!
2. Fall festival kettle korn.
3. My dad used to make a big batch of popcorn when we were kids the old fashion way. Mom used to get cranky if he burned the bottom of her pots. We would add butter/salt and sometimes some chili powder.
4. Getting hulls stuck in between gum/teeth - yuk.
5. Love the smell of popcorn - unless it's burnt.

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