I have been showing you fun and creative one page mosaic spreads. After you have finished that one page masterpiece, what if you want a double page spread? It is important to have an arsenal of "Page Two" ideas that support your focal page but does not overwhelm or distract from it. These pages are nominated for Best Supporting Page.
One of my "Go To" - ideas is this pinwheel style. It easily and quickly goes together with just a few items.
You need 4 mats (or Paper Tiles) cut 4 3/8 x 6 5/8 and one square cut 2 1/8 x 2 1/8. I like my photo mats to match and the center to contrast. This takes 2 sheets of the same paper for the mats and one square cut or punched from scraps.
This Marvy punch is 2 1/8" square and is a great tool for quick mosaic 2 x 2 squares. I use it all the time.
Now all you need is 2 horizontal photos and 2 vertical photos. Pop them in and it looks like this:
The center square can be used for so many things. The first thing that comes to mind is journaling or a date. Or...
another photo...
or...flowers, rub-ons, stickers, a quote, a poem... or you could (gasp) leave it just paper.
I hope this helps address the two page spread question.
Happy Spring! See you next week.
Sandi Keene