One of our favorite places to picnic is around the fountains outside our local public library. Picnicking is such a fun and relaxing way to spend time as a family. And after our meal, we like to go inside the library and check out a few books. Always bring your camera along when dining alfresco--you never know what might happen!
I was inspired by this photo of my son's adorable little feet. My goal was to create a page focusing on Atticus as a toddler, letting his personality be center-stage.
Materials used:12X12 grid paper in Toffee, white cardstock, Lil Chizler, Dotto adhesive, craft knife, metal ruler, Quick Glance Cutting Guide, Mosaic Moments cutting mat, photos, and an old book (more on that later).
I began by playing with the photos I wanted to use to see where I would place them in the layout. I flipped through my copy of Designing Photo Mosaics and more by Tami Potter, to get some ideas for cutting the photos.
Because I decided to use the entire photo of Atticus' feet, I chose to mat it on white cardstock. That way, I could cut the cardstock to fit the grid, instead of the photo. Plus, I liked the way it emphasized and framed the picture, and gave me a nice spot for journaling! When I finished placing the photo mosaic on the 12x12 grid paper, I had three small open spaces. Inspiration struck and I thought of using printed words instead of patterned paper--after all, these are pictures from our time spent at the library!
Warning: Don't cut up your library book! :) I actually keep an old book I bought at a garage sale on hand for art projects. This book happens to be quite politically incorrect, so using it for creative projects saves it from the landfill!
And here is my finished project:I love seeing his different expressions. He's growing up too fast!