I am always surprised, when I go back through my photos at the end of the year, at how much I've forgotten. As I look back though the images I find my attitude changes regarding the prior 12 months. What I thought was a fairly uneventful time-line turns to a realization of how much has actually taken place. I find myself feeling blessed and full of gratitude.
Mosaic Moments photo !nspiration: Week 52
There were sports teams and campaigns, new pets to enjoy, trips to new places, family reunions and friends... Even this 21 image pattern was not enough to fit all that I would have liked to summarize my year; but, it gives me a glimpse of 2013 and how full it was.
You can create your own year in review in just minutes by registering for a FREE account on www.Cropdog.com.
Happy Croppin'!