The Design Team Challenge for April 1-15 is a first Signs of Spring Scavenger Hunt. It seems many of us are begging the weather man to answer, "Where is Spring?" That made me think we may just need a little help on this one! May be if we all start putting our "vision of spring" out there - it will finally come to greet us all!
Here is the 25 item Spring Photo Scavenger Hunt list:
You can use photos old or photos new on your Mosaic Moments Page - but, they must be YOUR photos (nothing found on the internet!)
Post your pages - share them on Pinterest, Your blog, or - and post a link to your page on the Mosaic Moments FACEBOOK page.
We will choose a winner based on: Who got the most photos used from the list. If we have a tie our Mosaic Moments Design Team will vote to determine the winning page.
Winner will receive a FABULOUS SURPRISE our Soon to be introduced April Page Kits! (they are super cute!)